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How to Keep Your Children Hydrated in Qatar’s Heat, The Importance of Drinking Water in Qatar

  • Sept. 20, 2024

How to Keep Your Children Hydrated in Qatar’s Heat, The Importance of Drinking Water in Qatar


In Qatar's extreme heat, keeping your children hydrated is not just important—it’s vital for their health and well-being. Dehydration can occur quickly, especially for kids who are active outdoors, and the consequences can be serious. Whether at school, playing outside, or just going about their day, ensuring your child drinks enough water is key. In this blog, we'll cover the best ways to keep your kids hydrated and discuss how to choose the best drinking water in Qatar to support their health.


Why Hydration Matters in Qatar’s Heat

Qatar’s hot and dry climate causes children to lose water faster than usual through sweating. Unlike adults, children may not recognize the signs of thirst until they’re already dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and even more serious health issues like heat exhaustion. That’s why it’s essential to provide them with safe, clean, and refreshing drinking water, especially during the hottest months.


How Much Drinking Water Do Children Need in Qatar?

To ensure your child stays properly hydrated in Qatar’s heat, it’s important to know how much water they should be drinking daily. The general guidelines suggest the following:

Ages 4-8: 1.2 to 1.5 liters (about 5-6 glasses)

Ages 9-13: 1.6 to 2 liters (7-8 glasses)

Ages 14-18: 2.5 liters or more (10+ glasses)

In Qatar’s high temperatures, your child’s water needs can increase, especially if they’re participating in outdoor activities or sports.


Choosing the Best Drinking Water in Qatar for Your Child

When it comes to selecting water in Qatar, there are several options to ensure your child stays hydrated with safe, clean water:


Bottled Water

Bottled water is widely available in Qatar, with many brands offering purified and mineral-rich water that’s safe for children. Popular brands include Rayyan, Arwa, and Aquafina. Look for bottled water that contains essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are important for growing kids.


Filtered Water

Installing a water filter at home can provide a reliable source of clean drinking water. Filters can remove impurities, including chlorine and sediment, making tap water safer and more pleasant for your child to drink. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic bottles.


Desalinated Water

Qatar relies heavily on desalinated seawater, which is used for drinking purposes. While this water is treated and safe, some parents may prefer to filter desalinated water further to improve its taste and ensure high quality for their children.


Practical Tips to Keep Your Kids Hydrated

Pack a Water Bottle for School

Use a reusable water bottle to take to school for your child. Make sure the bottle is easy to carry and insulated to keep water cool in Qatar’s heat. Make sure your child to drink regularly, even if they don’t feel thirsty.


Make Water Fun

Sometimes, children resist drinking plain water. Try adding a splash of fruit juice, slices of cucumber, or pieces of fruit like strawberries or lemon to their water to make it more appealing.


Create a Hydration Schedule

Set specific times for water breaks throughout the day, such as after meals, during playtime, and before bed. This way, your child gets into the habit of drinking water consistently.

Offer Water-Rich Foods

Incorporating water-rich foods like watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and grapes into your child’s meals can help boost their hydration. These fruits and vegetables are not only refreshing but also packed with nutrients.


Lead by Example

Children often mimic their parents’ behaviors. If they see you drinking plenty of water, they’ll be more likely to follow suit. Make water a family priority, especially during the hot summer months in Qatar.


Recognizing the Signs of Dehydration

It’s important to recognize the early signs of dehydration in your child so you can take action quickly. Some common symptoms include:

Dry lips and mouth

Reduced energy or unusual tiredness

Dark yellow urine

Headaches or dizziness

Irritability or difficulty concentrating

If your child shows any of these signs, encourage them to drink water immediately and rest in a cool place. For severe symptoms, such as sunken eyes or no urination for several hours, seek medical attention immediately.



Keeping your child hydrated in Qatar’s extreme heat is a top priority. By providing the right amount of the best mineral water in Qatar, whether through bottled, filtered, or desalinated sources, you can ensure they stay healthy and active. Remember, hydration is not just about drinking water when they’re thirsty—it’s about maintaining a consistent intake throughout the day. With these tips and the right water sources, you can help your child beat the heat and stay hydrated all year long.
